
I am a keen field, target and clout archer and have won many awards at my club (South Wilts Archery Club) including 'Lady Archer of the Year' during my first two years of shooting.

I take part in many community 'Have-a-Go' events, demonstrations as well as coaching beginners and mentoring new members to the club. I am also responsible for the website and keeping it up-to-date and act as the point of contact for Junior members to put forward their thoughts to the club committee.

I keep a blog about my archery musings - see the feed for more details!

Thank you note:




Playing the role of 'Miss Lucy Audrey' one of the top lady archers in the UK around the 1900s. Here I am shooting a longbow on Hudson's Field near Salisbury.

A typical Field Archery Competition!

Field Archery

I regularly take part in Field Competitions that see me travelling around the UK. I shoot under the NFAS (visit the National Field Archery Society's website)  rules and conditions and currently compete in the American Flatbow (AFB) category.  Previous to this I shot in the Freestyle Category  where I shot a similar bow to those at the olympics and had a short spell shooting Barebow.

My biggest achievement to date is coming 3rd in the National 3D Champs in 2009 - my first ever national comp! I also came 4th in the National Paper face Champs that year too. These were both shooting Freestyle.

I decided to change to a more 'traditional' style as these categories have larger numbers of entrants and wanted to shoot a beautiful wooden bow with wooden arrows!

Watch the video to the top left: it shows some students from Southampton Uni Archery Club having a 'taster' at field archery - they are all very good target archers - not so sure about field!

Shooting my AFB

The bow is based on the Native American Indian flatbow design - shooting wooden arrows!

Community work



Me coaching a youngster at one of our community 'Have-a-Goes' 

Shooting 'Hunting Tackle'



Shooting a recurve with wooden arrows

Shooting 'Freestyle'



You shoot using the same equipment as those in Olympic target Archery