Profile Information

daisy dolittle's profile picture

Academic Skills

Transferable Skills:

  • Giving presentations: Teaching, presenting research on dissertation, presenting a critical review on'Ghost Dances'

Work Skills

  • Group Work: Harry Potter midnight book launch, TQEF projects, delivery of various modules

  • Event Planning: Open Days at Salisbury College, group excursions to Sport Specific Away Days for students, Local Student Induction days at Solent.
  • Writing Reports: Teacher reviews of students' work, reviewing student data at Solent University, looking at various E-Portfolio systems
  • Computing:

    Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Front Page, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Audacity, Movie Maker, Camtasia, Moodle, Turnitin

Books and Publications

‘Reconstructing the fair application form’

May 2007

‘Age discrimination in an ageless society’

January 2006

Personal Profile

I am currently studying for a BA (Hons) degree in Tourism at Southampton Solent University. The course is a three year degree course with a strong business element and up to date tourism sector information. The course has a vocational bias and my enclosed CV outlines some of the topics that I have already covered.

Feedback from my last unit indicated that I have honed analysis and precise reporting skills, and in addition my part-time work supervisor says I am hardworking and punctual. I keep myself smart and presentable in both manner and dress. I understand that business is a serious matter and recognise the need to be responsible and professional in whatever I do.

Education History

Further Education (PGCE) at Greenwich University

September 2002

September 1999

Year 1: Industry Practice and Research, Sport in Society, Principles of Coaching, Social Psychology of Sport, Fitness for Sport, Principles of Sport Development. Year 2: Policy and Practices of Sport Development, Sport Coaching and Development, Sociology of Sport, Research Methods, Applied Techniques of Sport Psychology Year 3: Independent Project, Coaching and the Community, Strategic Sports Development

September 1997

Units on Health & Lifestyle, Research Methodologies, Sports coaching, anatomy, sports injury

Employment History

Summer 2007

Looked after children from ages 4-12 from many different countries. Provided opportunities for children to participate in daily activities.Main duties include: Developing and implementing a range of daily leisure (art/singing//plays) and sporting activities for young people aged from 4 – 12 years old. Completing ongoing risk assessments to ensure that the play area and activities are safe. Cleaning and tidying the Fun Station area. Market and recruit to the Fun Station activities throughout the summer. Taught a basic first aid course. Reliability, common sense and the ability to organise and remain calm is vital in this role.

Summer 2007

Main duties involved taking bets over the counter as well as paying out the winning bets. This role required me to have good customer service skills, the trust of my employers, as well as excellent cash handling skills.

September 2006

Taught modules in Sport Science, Dance Performance and Exercise to music

December 2006

Working over Christmas to provide sporting and leisure activities, which allow young people aged 8 years to 14 years with multiple social barriers to interact with each other.

October 2006

Responsible for the everyday housekeeping duties such as room tidying and cleaning, requiring excellent time keeping skills and the ability to prioritise workloads and to work as a team.

August 2006

Working full-time over the summer to provide sporting and leisure activities, which allow young people aged 8 years to 14 years with multiple social barriers to interact with each other. (Southampton)

Examples of Work

Some of my Uni Work

Folder contents:

  • Aerobic and Anaerobic pathways.pdf
    This essay looks at the two different energy producing systems and how and why they should be trained to improve a dancer's ability and performance (First Class standard)
  • Hypermobility Dissertation.pdf
    This is my dissertation that looked into whether or not hypermobility could be deemed advantageous or detrimental to a dancer during training (First Class standard)
  • Self and Perf A Log Book.pdf
    This logbook contains my thoughts, research and notes undertaken during a special 1 week course, the focus of which was to look at all aspect of dance performance and training (First Class standard)
  • Values of Physical Fitness Testing1.pdf
    This essay aims to discuss the values of physical fitness testing for dance as a means to improve performance. This does not simply mean aerobic fitness, but also the values of devising tests for other areas of physical fitness that are important within dance (First Class standard)