myPortfolio Profile Page

Your profile page is visible to everyone at Southampton Solent University and acts as an online representation of you, your skills, and your attributes. You can use this page to promote your skills to potential employers or to advertise your desire to collaborate with others on projects.

Finding your profile page:
When you first log-in your profile will be empty (save for your name) and full of boxes that you will need to edit. Why don't you have a look at it? Click on your name in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard (see right):

1) Update your profile section


2) Upload a profile picture

Uploading a profile picture from myPortfolio (Solent) on Vimeo.

It is important to find a good photo that can respresent you on the myPortfolio system. This picture appears anywhere you make a comment and in the 'Online Users' box.

Try to choose a picture that shows you in a 'professional' light - afterall, this is practice for when you enter the real world of work!

3) Editing your profile page

Now you've added your profile information you can start to edit your profile page. The order in which you do that is to:

  1. Click on your name (from the homepage - top right)
  2. Click on 'edit this page'
  3. Start dragging items from your content area onto it
  4. Play with the layout and theme

Go to the 'Add content' section of the helpsite >