
Welcome to the support page for myPortfolio. This page acts as a giant control panel, guiding you to the help you need. When you're ready, have a look at the guides on your right:

"In general, an ePortfolio is a purposeful collection of information and digital artifacts that demonstrates development or evidences learning outcomes, skills or competencies. The process of producing an ePortfolio (writing, typing, recording etc.) usually requires the synthesis of ideas, reflection on achievements, self-awareness and forward planning; with the potential for educational, developmental or other benefits. Specific types of ePortfolios can be defined in part by their purpose (such as presentation, application, reflection, assessment and personal development planning), pedagogic design, level of structure (intrinsic or extrinsic), duration (episodic or life-long) and other factors."

 Cotterill SJ. What is an ePortfolio? ePortfolios 2007, Maastricht http://www.eportfolios.ac.uk/definition The definition first presented in Maastricht at the ePortfolios 2007 conference.

Why am I using myPortfolio?

Lecturers have chosen myPortfolio as your assessment tool to allow you to go beyond what is possible in MS Word.  You will be using this tool to collect and collate evidence about your personal and professional development.  This is different from an essay in that a portfolio tracks and shows your development over an extended period of time. it concentrates more on your journey and how you got there, rather than a specific end point.  You may be asked to complete a portfolio for a placement, an academic year or your entire time at university.  

You may want to present various forms of media that support your reflections and evidence your skills in action e.g. you may decide to film yourself participating in an event you've organised that shows that you're putting your new knowledge & skills into practice. You may have collected and created photographs, certificates, audio files, videos, websites, blogs, online articles etc that can be embedded/linked to on your page.


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