Get inspired!

Below are links to a few ePortfolios that have been developed either for self promotion or for assessment purposes. Hopefully you can see that each page covers a specific topic:


  • See Chloe's ePortfolio
    Chloe is a 3rd Year PR student and is also a Peer Leader for the 2nd years. Her ePortfolio is focussed on Employability and Personal development

  • See Olivia's ePortfolio
    Olivia is also a 3rd yr PR and Communication student acting as a peer mentor

  • See Bradley's ePortfolio
    Bradley was a Foundation Year Business and Marketing student who is now on his way to completing his BA(Hons) degree. This is his ePortfolio that he produced in 2012 and is used to demonstrate to students how to compile an ePortfolio for their assessment.

  • See Rob Russell's ePortfolio
    Rob is an Architectural Technology student and his portfolio shows his journey to becoming a professional.

  • See Adam's ePortfolio
    Adam was a sports psychology student who wanted to create a digital CV to showcase his skills and academic knowledge. This wasn't an assessment piece of work.

  • See Anastasios's ePortfolios
    Anastasios has kindly shared two portfolios that were created for business and marketing units:

    Portfolio 2 - Gangster market research

Recipes for pages

You can use a page to showcase virtually anything! Have a look at our recipes below:

> Page recipes