The Approach Page

I have chosen to work with the 6 step, Gibbs Reflective cycle throughout my portfolio when writing my commentary reflections. I picked this model to use as I find it simple and self-explanatory, while also clearly showing my learning from different experiences over time.

Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit.

Gibbs Reflective Cycle

Why is it important to reflect?

  • Increases my learning from an experience or situation.
  • Identifies personal and professional strengths 
  • Identifies personal and professional weaknesses which can be improved upon.
  • Acts as a source of feedback
  • Identifies your needs for training, support, and education.
  • Promotion of motivation and independent learning.
  • Improves confidence.

Step by Step walk through of the Gibbs Reflective cycle

  1. Description- I will give a brief description of what happened and give relevant detail of the experience.
  2. Thoughts and feelings- How did that event make me feel? What thoughts did I have? What was my reaction?
  3. Evaluation- I will share and discuss positive and negative aspects of the experience, so what went well and what didn't. 
  4. Analysis- I will explain and examine the causes and consequences of what happened.
  5. Conclusion- I will then explain what I have learned from the experience while also noting what I could have done differently.
  6. Action plan- I will discuss what I will do differently next time to improve in the future.