Evidence 1- PDF version of my record of research participation.

Evidence 2- PDF of brief evaluation of the research I participated in

Reflective Commentary on my research participation (Evidence one) (381)

 I've taken part in a number of research studies as a participant, experiencing both qualitative and quantitative methods. My thoughts and feelings throughout this experience dramatically changed, at first, I felt very nervous taking part however, after my engagement through the first couple of studies, I felt much more confident and knew what to expect. This process showed me the difference between; qualitative and quantitative methods and the data collected from either studies. I enjoyed looking through the studies available to participate in and reading the information on the topic beforehand, this really opened my mind to see all the interesting topics people had thought of. Through my participation in these research studies, I improved in noticing a well-designed, inclusive study. I found it really useful to evaluate the research studies that I participated in (Evidence 2), which outlines the positive and negative aspects of each study. For example, a positive I found was, having an option to receive a draft of the research questions before the interview. This allowed me to start thinking about ideas and events of importance, and which of those I wanted to mention. This allowed me as the participant to feel more open and confident with sharing my ideas, especially as the topic was personal in nature. This is defiantly something that I learn't the importance of, throughout my research participation and something that I will remember for the future when designing studies of my own.

In the future, I will take the importance of a clear, concise information page, with all necessary information for participants. Also, offer a draft of interview questions in a qualitative study to ensure the participant is comfortable with the questions being asked and give the participant a sense of ease and control. I also feel this gives opportunity to the researcher to gain in-depth valuable data. I've also learn't what not to do, and things I would do differently. For example, if I were designing a quantitative questionnaire about personal perception or internalized stigma, I would include an information sheet available at the end of the questionnaire, educating the participation of what internalized stigma is, the true effects of this stigma, and how it affects those individuals in the stigma group, and maybe some information on how to stop it. 



Evidence 3-PDF of debrief on parental perception of how the pandemic has impacted family's mental health.

Evidence 4-PDF of debrief on personality traits and parenting style.

Reflective commentary comparing two qualitative interviews I took part in. (Evidence 3 and 4) (298)

I also found it very useful to compare 2 qualitative interview studies I took part in, both debriefs of these studies are in evidence 3 and 4, while the positive and negatives of these studies are in evidence 2. These 2 studies could be compared as they were both similar in nature being; qualitative studies, semi-structured interviews, and the topic being personal in nature.

Through my participation in evidence 3, I felt comfortable, relaxed, and encouraged to provide more detail to my answers throughout the interview. The interviewer introduced herself, ensured to always give me enough time to talk and give examples in our discussion, while also relating to what I was saying and joining in now and again. From this, I felt I gave long detailed responses and therefore data to the interviewer, and felt comfortable doing so, even though the topic is fairly personal. 

Through my participation in evidence 4, I felt rushed, on edge, confused and uncomfortable. The interviewer didn't give me enough time to finish answering the questions and it felt quite rushed. Also, the interviewer assumed information about me, that I was going to discuss my parents' personality traits and parenting styles when I had come prepared to talk about my personality traits and my parenting style. This made the interview awkward and slightly confusing.

From taking part in these two experiences I've learned how important the rapport between interviewee and interviewer can really make the difference in the experience for the interviewee but also in the quality of data, the researcher will receive. In the future, if I design a qualitative study I will defiantly ensure a good rapport is built between me and the interviewee, I'll give them time to finish stating their point and never assume any information about them.



Reflective Commentary on my evaluation of a journal article and the related BPS article (evidence four and five) (180)

I took part in the WARP journal club where we all read a journal article and evaluated it, then all met up to share ideas and discuss the paper. I really enjoyed this experience and was so helpful to hear other's ideas and views on the article, as I feel I'm lacking that a bit, with university learning being all online. It's something I really want to carry on participating in.

A positive to this experience was that it gave me reassurance on my points and ideas I had thought of independently. Also hearing other people's ideas on the paper was beneficial, so I can pick up those aspects next time I come to evaluate a journal article, improving my critical evaluation skills. There were no negatives to this experience, I learned a lot and I enjoyed it thoroughly, I don't think anything could be improved. However, I didn't speak and share ideas aloud in the journal club. This was my first time participating, my target for next time is to share ideas and my opinion on a journal article.