Reflective commentary on skills profile and prospects job match (Evidence one and two) (440)
I completed questionnaires and my strengths profile and prospects job match were then created by the answers I had given. I felt that both my strengths profile and job match results were really positive and captured what I am about and what I stand for. I really think my first 4 identified strengths; honesty, kindness, fairness, and judgment are spot on and are the strengths I try to implement every day in my personal life, teach my daughter and take to work. The strength of the love of learning, which came up as 11th, I was slightly surprised with, as I would have placed that slightly higher. I was also surprised with leadership coming 5th in my strength's profile, I have been a senior to a staff team before in which I feel I had done really well, but I would not identify this as one of my top qualities, but I'm really happy with this result.
My job prospects results I am happy with, all job roles identified I could see myself doing in the future and suit my interests and strengths. A speech and language therapist job role came up as number 21 for me, but 92% suited to my strengths which is positive as that is my main aim currently for the future. This gives me confidence that I could be a great addition to this industry. Other suited job roles that come up such as; an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion officer which was listed as my number 1 job match, a Family Support worker which came up as number 5, and a Health Play specialist, number 10 would all help me gain experience and further qualities to reach my end goal as a Speech and Language Therapist or Behavioral Therapist. From these results, I have learnt; that my leadership skills are better than what I originally thought and my strengths coincide with my potential future job role.
To improve next time I should work on my social intelligence, forgiveness, zest, and humor which came up as numbers 19-22 in my strengths profile. These strengths are quite low down on my list and will be important to the job role of a Speech and Language Therapist. Evidence 2 states that clients may be uncooperative due to being frightened or frustrated due to their situation. Developing my knowledge on what makes other people tick, approaching a situation with energy, and bringing smiles to other people will help me build a rapport and encourage and make progress with un-cooperative clients. I feel it will be vital to progress my skills in these areas to achieve in my future career.
Reflective commentary on future me test results (evidence 4, evidence 5) (277)
I completed the Solent Future me questionnaire and my results to the seven key areas which communicate my employability are in Evidence 4. I generally agree with my Future Me scores but I was quite taken back by my communication score being quite low. Working with individuals with Autism and learning disabilities, professionals, my staff team, and outside agencies I thought my communication skills were high. However when it comes to communicating about myself- my strengths and achievements in my CV or job interviews I'm not confident in doing so, so this may be the communication area I need to work on.
From this experience, I can see areas in which I need to improve- My Opportunities, Network, and Communication. I feel like prioritizing growth and development in my Opportunities and Networks will also develop my Communication skills. I stated in evidence four that to do this, I should research areas of beneficial work experience and reach out to employers. I have done so, (Evidence five) and found a job as a Communication Facilitator, focusing on developing confidence through different communication approaches for individuals with learning disabilities, or Autism. Speech and language therapists and other autism specialists work here to provide training and mentoring on the different communication approaches. This sounded like a perfect opportunity to enhance my opportunity, network, and communication skills and give me some vital workplace experience with speech and language therapists. Furthermore, this work experience will give me the opportunity to practice my social intelligence, forgiveness, zest, and humor, numbers 19-22 in my strength profile as I'll be working with a new group of individuals from different backgrounds with different needs and requirements.
I got the job!!!